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1. The countries covered here are
all very fascinating and one should resist covering them in the short time
I did
(which I did so due to my peculiar circumstances).
2. The occurrence of a few negative events may unfairly
affect my opinion of certain places, and consequently the tone or language
used in my travelogue. However, these do not constitute any intention
to insult the people and culture of any country.
3. Some names and personal details have been modified
to protect the privacy of individuals.
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TWC's Travel Emails & Photo Journal
Havana: Hasta La Victoria Siempre
My Mojito at the Bodeguita ; Pinar del Rio
Cold and hot welcome to Guatemala: Detained again. Antigua: A pleasant surprise
The streets of beautiful Antigua
Lago Atitlan: One of the most beautiful lakes in the world
Chichicastenango: Sacrificial Bloodbath
Xela / Quatzaltenango: More Mayan idols
HONDURAS: Copan: Florence of the Mayan world
Tikal: Manhattan of the Mayan world
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