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More of this cool city!

Camel bus

10 p bank note... 50c

Near the Tobacco Factory


The streets of Havana - could you believe that this is central Havana - could have been prime real estate in any capitalist city


Sunrise at the famous Malecon: Anti-aircraft guns were once set up here to defend Cuba against an expected American invasion.


The waves hit the Malecon

Old Havana

A Santeria priestess... OK I know it's fake...perhaps...

 The modern American Special Interest Section - who says the Americans don't have an embassy here...

Baseball in Havana - Cuba's love-hate relationship with the Yankees.

Billboard outside the US Mission - "Mr Imperialist - We are not afraid of you!"

Love Live the Revolution! Unfortunately these banknotes aren't worth a lot.


The enemies of the Cuba People at the Revolution Museum - Bush, Reagan, Batista

Continue the Struggle!

Bullet holes left by students attempting to assassinate the dictator Batista at the Presidential Palace, now the Revolution Museum


The friendly people of Cuba!

My Mojito at the Bodeguita...and Pinar del Rio

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