Hotspots And Dodgy Places: Travel Through North Korea, Sudan And Distant Places
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Singaporean travellers, Tan Wee Cheng has been to the most number of countries,
according to the Singapore Book of Records 2008. His country/territory count is
180 to-date. In his second collection of travel stories, entitled “From
Orchard Road To Pyongyang And Khartoum – Tales from Hot Spots and Nasty
Places”, Wee Cheng brings the readers to hot spots that they read in news
He begins his journey visiting the Dear Leader’s bizarre flower show in
Pyongyang and attempting to understand the isolated communist kingdom that is
North Korea; then crossing recent battlefields and a confusing array of
religious and ethnic fault lines in Lebanon and the Balkans (including Albania
and the former Yugoslav states of Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina,
Republika Srpska, Croatia, Montenegro and Kosovo); having tea with friendly
locals in the neighbourhood of Osama bin Laden’s Yemeni ancestral home
village; exploring prehistoric cave paintings with Tuareg tribesmen in the
Libyan Sahara as well as the revolutionary rhetoric of Libyan leader Gaddafi;
playing Indiana Jones among ancient Nubian pyramids and tombs merely a few days
after a Darfuri rebel attack on the Sudanese capital of Khartoum; and visiting
the bewildering exuberance and contradictions of ancient, classical and
modern-day Iran.
Equally at home with hardcore backpacking, mid-range independent travel and
comfortable business tripping, Wee Cheng has been able to meet a diverse range
of personalities and experience unusual encounters and events that we can only
Wee Cheng had been an auditor, a London-based investment banker, a financial
regulator and chief financial officer of a listed company. He is currently an
adjunct associate professor at the National University of Singapore.
As a history enthusiast and a keen observer of politics and economics who have
worked in cross-border business and finance, Wee Cheng has incorporated in the
book his thoughts and conversations with ordinary people he met during his
journeys - about the history, politics, business and social-economic conditions
of the countries he visited.
Through long-forgotten characters and bizarre coincidences of history, as well
as the personal stories of present-day individuals that he encountered in his
journeys, Wee Cheng turns these faraway lands alive, and convinces the reader
that these nations are more than just places in the news.
Wee Cheng’s first book, The Greenland Seal Hunter, published by Marshall
Cavendish in 2004, was a collection of his travel stories from countries such as
Greenland, Iceland, Siberia, Madagascar, Comoros, Mongolia and Colombia.